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06 Jan 2025 - Today Santa returned to his home on Vega. Christmas trees are also gone and cannot be bought from NPCs anymore. Along with these changes, several minor map fixes have been applied (e.g. a missing stalagmite in the dragon lair was re-added, it is now not possible to levitate in that spot). Check full changelog...


28.11.2023 20:30:05


Level: 26
Profession: Elder Druid
Residence: Darashia
Posts: 260

Re: Rules Reminder

Dear Players,

since the number of bans for cheating has been breaking records lately (with more than 300 only this month), we would like to remind everyone that there's only one acceptable level of cheating in Tibiantis - which is none. There are no exceptions or excuses for cheating. Neither "I just wanted to see if the bot works" nor "I only caught a few fish on macro" will ever be considered a mitigating circumstance. There's also only one adequate consequence - ban on all accounts.

Regrettably, some players intentionally act against our Terms of Use by sharing accounts, so it's also important to repeat what is meant by "ban on all accounts". We do not approve of account sharing or trading anywise, and we are not willing to settle any resulting disputes. Therefore, if an account is identified as being used for cheating, each user of this account will be treated the same - as a cheater. This means that all other accounts used by each of them will also be considered and treated as cheaters' accounts and, thus, be banned.

That being said, we strongly advise against account sharing and trading. Anyone who consciously decides to ignore this should be aware that by doing so they accept the responsibility for each account that they use and for everything that happens on any of those accounts. If a player whose account was banned were to file an appeal because they, themselves, did not cheat, they should first recall if they ever let a cheater use their account or if they used an account on which someone else cheated. If the answer is affirmative, then appealing against that ban is pointless. Regardless of character level or other circumstances, we cannot turn a blind eye or make exceptions - it would not be fair to other players.

All of this is no news to anyone who's been on Tibiantis long enough, for we've been enforcing this policy since day one. Tibiantis is a server that fights, with commitment and severity, against cheating. Some players might dislike such a rigid policy and consider it too harsh, but this is the only way to ensure fair play for everyone. The past three years have only convinced us that this road we took is the right one. This rigid policy is one of the reasons that Tibiantis has been able to hold out against the scourge of cheating. If this policy drives someone to decide that playing here is not worth it, then so be it. We are certain that they will easily find another server with a more permissive approach to cheating. But we've already seen too many examples of what such a lenient approach can lead to, thus our opinion on cheating will never change.

Your Tibiantis Online Team


28.11.2023 20:36:33

Paulo Phobos

Level: 8
Profession: Paladin
Residence: Thais
Posts: 24

Re: Rules Reminder

OK, but... will I get banned if my 6 year-old kid makes some runes in his laptop in the same room next to me while we play chess?

Jokes aside, this is the first server that can handle cheating that well while not (supposedly) using intrusive anti-cheat measures, so you guys deserve all respect, gz.
  • Last edited 28.11.2023 20:36:53.
  • Quote


30.11.2023 01:50:09

Sylwester Wardega

Level: 20
Profession: Paladin
Residence: Carlin
Posts: 2

Re: Rules Reminder

I discovered the server 3 days ago. I like your rules policy. I was looking for a server like this before. I'm happy playing with you.


01.12.2023 00:24:25

Smoku Sho

Level: 92
Profession: Paladin
Residence: Ab'Dendriel
Posts: 8

Re: Rules Reminder

100000000000000% Agree ! this is great and realy respect. Its realy great when its no discussion , and nvm what lvl etc Cheating = Ban :) Keep this and dont even dear to change this rule :) :)


03.12.2023 22:02:19

Algoz The Best

Level: 10
Profession: Sorcerer
Residence: Carlin
Posts: 1

Re: Rules Reminder

No caso, eu e minha esposa jogando no mesmo Wifi, so que em computadores diferentes, serei banido ?


In this case, my wife and I play on the same Wifi, but on different computers, will I be banned?



04.12.2023 00:18:43

Lord Phobos

Level: 11
Profession: Druid
Residence: Kazordoon
Posts: 44

Re: Rules Reminder

Algoz The Best  wrote:

No caso, eu e minha esposa jogando no mesmo Wifi, so que em computadores diferentes, serei banido ?


In this case, my wife and I play on the same Wifi, but on different computers, will I be banned?



  • Last edited 04.12.2023 00:37:47.
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