Players Online 73
06 Jan 2025 - Today Santa returned to his home on Vega. Christmas trees are also gone and cannot be bought from NPCs anymore. Along with these changes, several minor map fixes have been applied (e.g. a missing stalagmite in the dragon lair was re-added, it is now not possible to levitate in that spot).
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Tibiantis Online is a game that offers competition and cooperation with other Players from all over the world. In order to provide fair and fun gameplay for everyone we created a set of Game Rules. Players are required to follow these rules whenever they enter the Game, Website or any other Service. Game Rules are an integral part of the Terms of Use. The Rules are enforced by the Administration. Breaking the Rules shall result in the following consequences: "notation" - criminal note for minor offences, "banishment" - temporary or permanent blockade of the account, "final warning" - additional warning that indicates the account will be blocked permanently in case of further violation of the same Rule. In some cases, additional measures may be taken to set right an unfair situation arisen from rule violation, including any modification of character attributes, partial or complete removal of its belongings or the character itself. 1. Names a) Offensive name It is forbidden to choose names that may be considered insulting to a person, a group of people, or other party, nor names that are harassing, slandering, disclosing personal data, sexually-related, intended to harm Tibiantis Online or violating the law. b) Invalid name format Players should not create names containing part of a sentence, nonsensical letter combinations (e.g. "Afghsghagg"), or generally badly formatted (e.g. "Da'n-iel"). c) Name not describing person Tibiantis is a fantasy world of knights and magic, Players are therefore expected to create names that fit this world and should refrain from choosing names after third party brands or celebrities, names that express political or religious views (e.g. "Prizrak Komunizma", "Jihad"), or generally objectionable (e.g. "Heat Ler"). d) Name inciting rule violation Players must not create names that encourage, imply or brag about rule violation (e.g. "Botter"). e) Name to fake official position It is forbidden to create names that might indicate being a part of the Administration or server system (e.g. "Game'master", "Antibot System"). Names Rule apply to character names, guild names, guild ranks, guild titles and any other Services that require or allow submitting a name. Violating this Rule may result in a notation, 7-day banishment, 30-day banishment with or without a final warning, or permanent banishment, depending on the seriousness of the violation and the Player's criminal record. Additionally, unsuitable name of a character may result in the character being blocked until name change ("namelock"). The new name will have to be approved by the Gamemaster before the character is unlocked. 2. Statements a) Offensive statements Tibiantis Online is a game based on relations between Players. These relations are not always expected to be peaceful, since RPG-concept allows playing villains, but should be expressed in a civilized manner. Players must not make public statements that are offensive to a person, a group of people, or other party, nor statements that are harassing, slandering, disclosing personal data, sexually-related, intended to harm Tibiantis Online, or violating the law. b) Spamming Repeatedly submitting the same statement, especially nonsensical, is not welcome and will be considered spam. c) Real money advertisements and advertisements not related to the Game It is disallowed to make public statements that advertise third parties or other subjects not related to the Game. It is also forbidden to advertise trade or exchange of accounts, trade of virtual items (excluding any form of in-game trade of virtual in-game commodities) and other services; especially those that involve real money. d) Non-English and off-topic public statements The following in-game channels are restricted to the English language only: Trade, Game-Chat, Help. So are all Forum boards. All chats and Forum boards should be used in accordance with their purpose, e.g. posting trade offers on the Help channel is not welcome. e) Inciting rule violation Players must not encourage, imply or brag about rule violation, or purposely mislead other Players about the Rules. Statements may be considered rule violation regardless of whether they are expressed literally or in other ways (e.g. when a Player replaces letters with asterixis to mask offensive words). Please note that jokes or ironic tone may not always be understood as such. It is the Player's responsibility to express themselves in such a way as to be understood properly. Violating the Statements Rule may result in a notation, 3-day banishment, 7-day banishment, 14-day banishment, 30-day banishment with or without a final warning, or permanent banishment, depending on the seriousness of the violation and the Player's criminal record. 3. Cheating a) Bug abuse
Players are obliged to report any encountered bug or error in the Game, Website or any other of our Services. Exploiting errors, especially but not exclusively to gain advantage over other Players, is strictly forbidden. b) Game weakness abuse Players are obliged not to exploit features that do not necessarily arise from a software bug but are obviously not intended to be abused this way. E.g. even though it is intended that characters cannot walk over each other, it should not be used for blocking access to certain areas in a way that other Players have no technical possibility to overcome. c) Macro use Players must not use any kind of automation while they play Tibiantis Online. That includes, but is not limited to, recording and repetitively playing mouse movements or key strokes, both on software or hardware level. All in-game actions must be performed manually by the Player. d) Using unofficial software to play Players have to play the Game by themselves without any help or involvement of any other than the official software in its currently supported version. Such involvements include, but are not limited to, manipulating the game Client, modifying its files, using any other software to connect to the game server, using additional tools to execute in-game actions or sophisticated programs to play the Game (e.g. "bots"). e) Hacking Attempting to steal other Players' account data, personal data, or any other sensitive data is strictly forbidden. That includes, but is not limited to, spreading links meant to trick other Players into submitting their credentials or downloading malicious software, or attempting to brute-force access to any Services. f) Multi-clienting Each Player can only have one character online. As "online" it is meant that the character stays in the game, controlled or not, connected with the Client or not. For instance, the action of exiting the Client, while the character cannot be logged out, and then logging in with another character, is a violation per having two characters online at a time. The number of the used Clients, devices or network addresses is irrelevant — one Player must simply not keep more than one character online. Violating subrule a) or b) may result in a notation, 7-day banishment, 30-day banishment with or without a final warning, or permanent banishment, depending on the seriousness of the violation and the Player's criminal record. Violating subrule c), d), e) or f) will always result in permanent banishment of all the accounts used by the offender. Players who are complicit in cheating by aiding, abetting and/or consciously profiting from illegal actions of other players, may also be punished with 7-day banishment, 14-day banishment, 30-day banishment with or without a final warning, or permanent banishment, depending on the seriousness of the violation and the Player's criminal record. 4. Gamemasters a) Threatening Gamemaster Any threats, expressed literally or implicitly towards the Staff members, in person or in general, will not be tolerated. Attempts to exert pressure through blackmail will also be taken as offence. b) Pretending to have official position or to have influence over Gamemaster Players must not impersonate Tibiantis Staff member or mislead anyone into treating or considering them as such. Players cannot claim to have influence on the Staff or their decisions in any way. c) False report to Gamemaster
Players must not purposely report untrue violations in order to mislead the Staff or other Players. Violating the Gamemasters Rule may result in a notation, 7-day banishment, 30-day banishment with or without final warning, or permanent banishment, depending on the seriousness of the violation and the Player's criminal record. 5. Excessive unjustified player killing Killing is unjustified when the victim character was not marked with a skull and the killer has dealt the most damage or the final hit. This Rule is enforced automatically by the system. Killing 6 or more unmarked characters within 24 hours, 10 or more unmarked characters within 7 days, or 20 or more unmarked characters within 30 days - will automatically result in 7-day banishment of the account. These limits apply not to the account but to each character separately. 6. Spoiling house auction Bidding high in a house auction with no intention to pay, but to raise the price for other Players, is not welcome, especially doing so by putting absurdly high bids that other Players will be unable to overbid. This rule is partly enforced automatically. When a Player wins an auction and does not have the required sum to be debited to their depot, their account will be excluded from further auctions for the period of: (price + max)/10000 days, where "price" is the winning bid and "max" is the maximum submitted by the Player. The penalty also applies if the Player is capable of paying but does not meet the other requirements to rent a house. Exclusion does not apply if that Player was the only bidder. Moreover, spoiling an auction may additionally result in a notation, 7-day banishment, 30-day banishment with or without a final warning, or permanent banishment, depending on the seriousness of the violation and the Player's criminal record. 7. Destructive behavior We reserve the right to stop any other inappropriate behavior that was not mentioned specifically, especially actions intended to harm Tibiantis Online and/or its Administration, or violating the law. In justified cases, Gamemaster may request that a Player take or refrain from a certain in-game action. For instance, Gamemaster might ask the Player to leave their current in-game location. Players are obliged to comply with and not question these requests under the penalty of a notation, 7-day banishment, 30-day banishment with or without a final warning, or permanent banishment. However, such requests may never infringe the Player's legal rights. |
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