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06 Jan 2025 - Today Santa returned to his home on Vega. Christmas trees are also gone and cannot be bought from NPCs anymore. Along with these changes, several minor map fixes have been applied (e.g. a missing stalagmite in the dragon lair was re-added, it is now not possible to levitate in that spot). Check full changelog...


11.11.2023 01:25:17


Level: 16
Profession: Druid
Residence: Carlin
Posts: 4

Re: Diary

Hello, I didn't see anything in the rules that would be against making a personal diary.
I decided to write my progresses here as I play.
Anyway anyone is welcome to join if they want to share their experiences.

Minerva #1 Entry:
Today I leveled to level 9 with my druid but then was killed by PK and downgraded to level 8 and lost studded armor.
I won't surrender and I will exp naked tonight.


11.11.2023 17:25:25


Level: 116
Profession: Royal Paladin
Residence: Venore

Retired of the Bolts and Cats

Posts: 101

Re: Diary

so maybe create lifethread on media section?:) and add screens from yours journey + story like in diary:)

good luck!


11.11.2023 23:16:03


Level: 16
Profession: Druid
Residence: Carlin
Posts: 4

Re: Diary

Minerva #2 Entry

I managed to get to level 11 and got back my armor that the PKs left. However, today I got pked again! I cannot wait to learn how to make HMMs and start making them so that I can make some real money. Tonight I'll exp back to level 11 and maybe to 12.


11.11.2023 23:29:32


Level: 16
Profession: Druid
Residence: Carlin
Posts: 4

Re: Diary

Lamusini  wrote:

so maybe create lifethread on media section?:) and add screens from yours journey + story like in diary:)

good luck!

Thanks for the suggestion. I didn't know about LifeThreads being a thing. I guess I will keep it textual for now as text can convey information differently. I also didn't want to pollute other boards so I'd rather stay here if that's not a problem :)

See you around.


13.11.2023 01:05:05


Level: 16
Profession: Druid
Residence: Carlin
Posts: 4

Re: Diary

Minerva #3 Entry

Today I made some HMMs. I tried to sell a single backpack to get the business started but people laughed at me saying they need 100 at least. From looking at trade chat I understood that I need minimally 10 BPs. Fortunately I got some more blanks today, but still that's not enough... I'll have some work to do.

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