Players Online
We invite you to participate in the monthly screenshot contest
organised by player Hand of Blood. Send pictures, win premium!
More information available in the contest topic on our forum.
20 Jul 2024 - Today, the following changes were introduced to the game client: Extended FPS Limiter, which allows to set the frame rate limit between 201 and 1000 (as opposed to the standard 10-200), was added to Extra options (`+` button above the stances buttons). Also, the client icon was upgraded to hi-res, the broken STOP button has been fixed, as well as some graphics glitches and typos. In case of any issues with the auto-update, please try downloading the newest version of the client directly from the website.
Check full changelog...


27.03.2023 22:39:41

Hand of Blood

Level: 26
Profession: Knight
Residence: Thais

Retired of the Bolts and Cats (Event Organizer)

Posts: 86

Re: Official 3rd Tibiantis Monthly Screenshot Contest [March]

@Christina, it is correct now. Thank you!
@Bailnho Kong If you dont know how to upload a screenshot, checkout last months Contest ( There is a tutorial for
If you are blocked in anything regarding the domain feel free to seek out help from administration through Discord or Email, they will gladly help you.

GL HF to all participants
  • Last edited 27.03.2023 22:40:32.
  • Quote


28.03.2023 12:45:52

Shadow Hyuga

Level: 85
Profession: Royal Paladin
Residence: Ab'Dendriel
Posts: 4

Re: Official 3rd Tibiantis Monthly Screenshot Contest [March]

Shadow Hyuga


28.03.2023 16:33:46


Level: 111
Profession: Elite Knight
Residence: Thais

Vice Leader of the Core

Posts: 1

Re: Official 3rd Tibiantis Monthly Screenshot Contest [March]

Dracoline / Edron


28.03.2023 21:33:17

Rat Spy

Level: 20
Profession: Royal Paladin
Residence: Venore
Posts: 9

Re: Official 3rd Tibiantis Monthly Screenshot Contest [March]

There were five of them in total!

Dust / Venore


29.03.2023 16:44:36

Cossack Hard Tank

Level: 117
Profession: Elite Knight
Residence: Venore
Posts: 4

Re: Official 3rd Tibiantis Monthly Screenshot Contest [March]

Cossack Hard Tank


01.04.2023 01:25:03

Hand of Blood

Level: 26
Profession: Knight
Residence: Thais

Retired of the Bolts and Cats (Event Organizer)

Posts: 86

Re: Official 3rd Tibiantis Monthly Screenshot Contest [March]

Thanks to all the participants!
Me & the tibiantis administration will choose the winners within a week or two.
Submissions after this post wont be counted since the March contest is over.

GL & HF to everyone! :)

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