06 Jan 2025 - Today Santa returned to his home on Vega. Christmas trees are also gone and cannot be bought from NPCs anymore. Along with these changes, several minor map fixes have been applied (e.g. a missing stalagmite in the dragon lair was re-added, it is now not possible to levitate in that spot).
Check full changelog...
God Level: 26 Profession: Elder Druid Residence: Darashia
Posts: 260
Re: New Website
Dear Players,
the new website has just been released. Apart from the new layout, perhaps you will not notice many changes at first glance. However, for us this change is a milestone. The whole website was created from scratch entirely by us, and with it we have also changed a great part of the server's infrastructure. We now have a completly new database, back-end software, and even moved to a more reliable hosting. But why are these changes that important to us? We struggled with the mistakes made at the root of the project, and solutions that often prevented us from managing the game effectively. There were issues that cost us a lot of time during our daily routine. But now those problems are finally a thing of the past. Of course, bugs may always occur but we will be able to fix them right away and we will have more time for the actual development of the server.
Speaking of development, this is of course not the final shape of the website. More features are in progress, some are in test phase and will be added soon, others are planned. To name a few: notification system that will inform players about everything they should be aware of (e.g. about the upcoming rent-collecting day, or that their guild has become inactive, or simply that they were quoted in the Forum thread). There will be an option to send notifications to other players too, e.g. by guild leaders to their members. We are also working on the new referral system system (do not worry, the points you had will not be lost) as well as the partner program for streamers and other players who would like to support Tibiantis. In the upcoming days we will also be migrating part of the data that was not crucial for re-launching the game, but may come in handy (e.g. payments history or criminal record). More content will also be added, such as new articles. Ultimately, we want the website to be useful not only to serve Tibiantis project, but also to be a good source of information about version 7.4. Therefore, we will add detailed manual, statistics, and other interesting stuff.
These and other changes you will be able to follow in our changelog. We are also going to post a more detailed roadmap soon. In the meantime, several new features were already brought to you. The one that probably arouses the greatest interest is the name change option. For a long time we were not sure about this feature, since opinions in the community were also divided. Eventually, trying to fulfill the difficult task of finding the golden mean (as always), we decided to allow name changes. However, characters are limited to have their name changed only once in a year. They can also be found by their former name, which will be shown on the website. But of course that is not the only new thing, you will come across them here and there. Share your feedback, what you think about the look of the new website. Excuse us the postponing, we are a small team, already putting a lot of effort into making this server prospere, and will continue to do so. You can help us too, should you find any issues, please let us know right away.
Player Level: 27 Profession: Knight Residence: Venore
Posts: 1
Re: New Website
Witam. dziekuje za wszystkie zmiany i caly wysilek jaki wlozyliscie w zmiane strony i poprawe bledow. Chcialbym zwrocic uwage na jedna sprawe - nie wiem czy jest to celowe, czy jest to blad, ale gdy wlaczymy WASD Walking i cos napiszemy, to wiadomosc sie nie wysle tylko wlaczy WASD Walking, nastepnie jak wylaczymy enterem, to dopiero wyskakuje wiadomosc. Nie potrafie dokladnie tego wytlumaczyc, ale sami sprawdzcie co mam na mysli.
Witam. dziekuje za wszystkie zmiany i caly wysilek jaki wlozyliscie w zmiane strony i poprawe bledow. Chcialbym zwrocic uwage na jedna sprawe - nie wiem czy jest to celowe, czy jest to blad, ale gdy wlaczymy WASD Walking i cos napiszemy, to wiadomosc sie nie wysle tylko wlaczy WASD Walking, nastepnie jak wylaczymy enterem, to dopiero wyskakuje wiadomosc. Nie potrafie dokladnie tego wytlumaczyc, ale sami sprawdzcie co mam na mysli.
Yes, we are aware of this. We will apply the fix during the next server save. PS please stick to the English language, so that everyone can follow the discussion :)