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30.11.2024 13:42:43


Level: 26
Profession: Elder Druid
Residence: Ab'Dendriel
Posts: 246

Re: Aruthang - feedback and discussion

As most of you might have already inferred from the first announcements of the upcomming update, it will build on the Aruthang content. The lore has always described Aruthang as an archipelago and this will be the focus of the next update. Some changes though might also affect the main island, which is why we'd like to know your opinion—what you think about the island, the current content, and what changes you'd like to see in the Aruthang content. We've already received plenty of feedback. There were many ideas—some of which we'd like to acknowledge below—but the discussion and remarks on this topic do not have to be limited to these ideas only.

Let us start by mentioning that every change, no matter how small or insignificant it might seem, may bring about far-reaching consequences. One might think that adding a depo, or lowering the travel costs would increase player comfort with no negative effect. Why would someone object to that? However, if we were to look a little further, we'd realise that this would greatly influence the idyllic atmosphere of the island, reduce its exclusiveness, and thus, for example, increase the number of low-level PK on the island. Which is why we ask that all your feedback and ideas, worthful and appreciated as they are, be well-advised,  carefully thought-through and thoroughly argumented. This is not a popularity contest—only the best, and the most sensible ideas will make it into the game, not the ones that got the most support from other players. We believe that it is important to find the right balance, the golden mean, if you will. That is why solid reasoning and arguments behind a particular idea trump popularity in this case.

Development of the colony?

While designing the Aruthang update, we already knew that we would want to develop this place, which is why we left some opportunities untapped. A few NPCs, for instance, mention plans to build a depo. Should these plans be realised, and should Aruthang gain the status of a full-fledged city (with a depo and a temple)? Or maybe it should remain a fully dependent settlement?

Housing—right or commodity?

The number of houses on the surface of the island is small, and their prices per square metre are the highest in the game. This should not be a surprise, for an exotic island at the end of the world is not a place for just anyone. There are the obvious advantages—the wealthy residents can feel a lot safer here—but the less prosperous, who'd also like a little taste of luxury, find this to be a significant drawback. Should the development of the colony include the increase in the number of housings (i.e. new houses, maybe even a guildhouse)?

Travel and transport costs

As you are all well aware, the sea route to Aruthang is one of the most difficult ones to travel, and this is why the travel costs are so high. It's possible, however, that as the cruises to Aruthang grow more popular, the sea route might gradually go from perilous and unfriendly to familiar and predictable. This, in turn, might translate to lower travel costs. But doesn't the high price effectively discourage certain individuals from coming there with evil intentions? Will lowering the travel costs bring about something good or quite the opposite?

Everyone hates taxes and bureaucracy

Indubitably, one of the problems for the residents is the customs office operating there on the island, because it hinders the export of goods to the mainland. Perhaps it is worth considering ways of bypassing the burdensome customs inspections?


We are glad that Gorlaks, Kobolds or Troglodytes received such a warm welcome, and so many players venture to go hunt these monsters every day. What we'd like to focus on, though, are two types of monsters that are less often the game for group hunts—Underworms and Magma Beasts. We are eager to know of your experiences and impressions from the hunts as well as your opinions on any potential changes to these monsters.

These are only few issues that we've seen discussed, but they are the ones that were discussed the most. If you have any other remarks/impressions regarding Aruthang, we would be happy to read the rationale for your ideas.

The upcoming changes will, of course, not only affect the issues discussed here on the forum. The update will also freshen up the whole of the main island of Aruthang—all NPC dialogues and other texts, among other things. There was a time when players would emphasise the importance of correctness, both linguistic and grammatical, of the written content. This is why—as was then suggested—for about two years now, give or take, we have been collaborating with a language expert to produce texts of high quality. When Aruthang was first drafted and released, such collaboration was not yet possible. We would like to, therefore, have all the texts corrected and improved, just as it was in the Ankrahmun rework.

All in all, the main focus of the update will, of course, be a new plot, fresh locations, and novel monsters. The aforementioned issues and other potential changes will be introduced, as it were, incidentally.


30.11.2024 15:05:08


Level: 232
Profession: Royal Paladin
Residence: Carlin

Chusasz of the Husaria

Posts: 16

Re: Aruthang - feedback and discussion

Regarding the city itself, it should definitely be more developed. Add houses, gh and stores. The server has already become cramped and there is a lack of free houses.
For the whole island, we definitely need new places to hunt. Also, it would be useful to improve what didn't work out (under worms and magmas) just make hunting them more profitable with experience gained and loot.
  • Last edited 30.11.2024 15:47:53.
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30.11.2024 15:31:37

Ondeth Waters in Main

Level: 64
Profession: Elite Knight
Residence: Venore

Leader of the Chill Out

Posts: 2

Re: Aruthang - feedback and discussion


Throwing my opinions and suggestions here, considering I'm around for only 7 months thus far, so take it with a grain of salt and sugar maybe?

I think more serverwide plots and content (lore-related) would be appreciated over one region specific content. Yet, I think that would only cater to the RPG-heavy groups, not all players.

Mechanics-wise, a few randos are very interested in Depo and the temple of the city being useful besides serving as PZ. I have no idea if this will make the server better or worse in terms of gameplay, nor if it will drag more player attention/retention.

What I would love to see is shared EXP (re)introduced to incentivize party hunts, even if XP was diminished, as one suggested mechanic improvement that would affect the server and play style globally, specially for new players/lower levels.

What is bothering me at the moment is the fact playerbase has greatly diminished, but I have hopes that with EURO winter returning, folks will be more active once more. I just don't think minor and regionalized updates will contribute to that. And as Hedonista mentioned above, we've seen a few posts about new content, upcoming updates and such, would be nice to get a date for such.

Exploring the delights of Main.
Eternal Knight of Rookgaard.


30.11.2024 15:41:07


Level: 26
Profession: Elder Druid
Residence: Ab'Dendriel
Posts: 246

Re: Aruthang - feedback and discussion

Please mind that this thread has a specific purpose, and that is strictly to gather feedback and suggestions regarding the island of Aruthang, not just any suggestions in general. For that, there is the whole proposals board.


30.11.2024 16:34:26


Level: 106
Profession: Royal Paladin
Residence: Thais
Posts: 9

Re: Aruthang - feedback and discussion


Development of the colony?

Aruthang is a village. In my opinion, changes are needed, but with preservation of the atmosphere of the village. Depo, of course. Almost most players do their lootbags, such is the climate of this version of the game. Depo should be small and kept in the climate of the island.
As for the temple and the possibility of becoming a citizen of the village. I think that the option “citizenship only for working people” could be applied. Villages are often hard work, so citizenship could be for example temporary. 10 days as long as we do some work on the island. Whether it's harvesting grapefruits or collecting wood or other resource to maintain the village's infrastructure. Or other similar ideas.

Housing—right or commodity?

The possibility of owning a house on the island, in my opinion should still be heavily restricted. New houses, of course, would be useful due to the fairly high demand for houses throughout the world of tibiantis. I would see literally a few cottages there, which can be thematically related to the village. For example, a butcher's house, with a small farm next to the house at which a pig respawns from time to time. A fisherman's house, with direct access to water. An innkeeper's house similar to the one in Fibula. In addition, there are a few tiny houses or guildhouses, also smaller and with a small number of beds (eg. 9).

Travel and transport costs.

Travel costs should remain high. I see no need to change in this direction. Personally, I would lean more towards making it mildly more difficult to get to the Island.
Something along the lines of Ghostship on the Venore -> Darashia route.

Everyone hates taxes and bureaucracy

A history of collaboration with Baxter.
The perfect story to extend this story (if not currently possible).


Would be great to have mines a bit larger.
I am not an expert on Magma Beast and Underworm. But after several trips there, I think they need improvement. Currently these expeditions do not really make sense because of the level of difficulty in relation to the experience received and the damage received. In addition, the loot is not encouraging.


  • Last edited 30.11.2024 16:37:33.
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30.11.2024 18:16:03


Level: 100
Profession: Elite Knight
Residence: Venore
Posts: 6

Re: Aruthang - feedback and discussion

I may be in the minority with my opinions, but I think the island is better off without a depot and with limited housing. However, there are other solutions that can help with some of the issues that players face. As you mentioned, there is an issue with the lack of safe zones for players who do not have a house on the island. Rather than introducing a depot/temple, which may introduce issues with population and PKs, you could potentially just add a small safe zone similar to the white flower tower. With this idea, there can be some good lore introduced around religious groups trying to establish their roots on the island.

Instead of adding a depot, I think a good alternative would be adding additional mailboxes throughout the island. This could potentially be implemented in a few different ways.
1. Add mailboxes throughout the Kaz and Venore colonies.
2. Add onto the postman quest line and make mailboxes only available to people who finish this additional part of the quest.
3. A combination of points 1 and 2 where there are more mailboxes in the colonies for everyone to access and a few restricted mailboxes near popular hunting spots (Kobolds/troglodytes) that require the postman’s quest to access similar to Kaz mines.

If you were to go with point 2 and add onto the postman quest line, completion of this quest could also add benefits such as purchasing items at normal prices from NPCs (e.g. blank runes for 10gp).

Finally, in regards to magma beast and underworm loot, I think a few djinn items should be added to the loot table. The current best items that can be looted, hammer of wrath and guardian halberd, are rarely used as weapons, so they are extremely hard to sell in market. Adding one or more items that can be sold to djinns would make these hunts more profitable and desirable.


01.12.2024 00:41:48

Lama chodzi sama

Level: 78
Profession: Elite Knight
Residence: Darashia

Dreamer of the Beds and Cats (Quest Hunter)

Posts: 4

Re: Aruthang - feedback and discussion

Dear Gods,

I would like to begin by expressing my gratitude for the opportunity to contribute to this discussion.

Thoughts on NPC dialogues


I find it rather unbecoming to describe Aruthang as an archipelago when there was no possibility of accessing all islands. Such a characterization could easily mislead, creating an impression that does not align with the actual circumstances. Many brave adventurers sought access to the other islands, only to find that it was nothing more than an unattainable dream.


This, on the other hand, was excellently handled in the case of the depot, where the information was clear and transparent, stating that there were plans to construct such a facility.

Main Part

Development of the colony?

I agree with the construction of the depot; however, when it comes to the temple, I believe it could attract many undesirable individuals who might linger on the island indefinitely without bearing any costs.

As an additional suggestion, it would be great if access to the depot were granted under a system similar to that of the Djinns, requiring players to reach a certain stage in a quest line and invest significant resources.

If the temple were to be completed, it should come at a much later stage than the depot access and at a substantially higher cost. Alternatively, the temple could be constructed without the option of permanent residence, justified by the lack of appropriately trained priests.

Housing—right or commodity?

It is difficult for me to comment on the matter of housing without knowing the dimensions of the new areas. Based on the current layout, however, it seems to me that the existing number of houses is sufficient.

Travel and transport costs

Regarding transportation, I believe the current pricing is at a reasonable level, ensuring that the island welcomes only distinguished visitors. Additionally, I would propose considering the possibility of enabling transportation to the island via the ship located in Drefia.

Everyone hates taxes and bureaucracy

I do not have an opinion on this matter.


When it comes to Underworms and Magma Beasts, I believe a slight increase in the loot that could be sold to NPCs would be a beneficial adjustment, provided it is done with care to avoid overdoing it.
These creatures are located quite far away, and their location is hidden, which are likely the main reasons why there are not many adventurers exploring these regions.

However, I feel that Aruthang lacks hunting spots suitable for knights and, in general, characters with a level of 60+. Troglodytes are not particularly enjoyable for such characters.

Plus an extra thought, add the ability to purchase a troglodyte key(it can be even for high price).


01.12.2024 15:26:37


Level: 28
Profession: Master Sorcerer
Residence: Darashia

Assistant of the Fansite

Posts: 1

Re: Aruthang - feedback and discussion

Dear Gods and Tibiantis community

I've been playing on Tibiantis for a year, and I've been living on Aruthang for about 6 months (and not to afk and make runes). I hope my point of view will find its audience.

Development of the colony?
You once mentioned that if you're considering a depot, it should only be with a temple. If it's still like that, I'm against it. The island should remain exclusive. If there will be a depot (and a temple), for some people there will be no reason to return from those islands to the mainland, and from every exclusive place (like from holiday) you have to return to everyday life at some point. If there will be a depot, people will stop bringing supplies like runes, bolts, etc. because they'll just send them to themselves. Local shops (with higher prices, due to taxes) will lose their sense. 
However, I would like to add at least one mailbox in the mini-kazordoon (maybe in a locked room on the way to the steamer) and maybe 2 exclusive mailboxes (available to postman) near new resp on new islands.

Housing—right or commodity?
In this case I am in favor of increasing the number of houses, but not their size. Owners of houses treat them like depots, but with restrictions, because we won't send anything to them. If I understand correctly, there are supposed to be several islands, maybe make a few additional houses (not too many) on different islands, maybe 1-2 GH.
The mailboxes from the point above will compensate for people who don't have houses, possibility to send loot instead of storing it in houses/depots.

Travel and transport costs
I think the travel costs are just right. They should remain high, but not too high. Temple and having citizenship risks traveling by teleporting from other cities (like spider teleport now, which should be removed). But travel cost between the islands of the archipelago should be very low (like Edron-Cormaya or travel on Senja/Vega)

Everyone hates taxes and bureaucracy
Not everyone. Somebody understand why taxes are there, and why they should be higher in some exclusive places like Aruthang. Idea of a depot would destroy taxes that were introduced for a some reason.

I've never been on Underworms and Magmas, so it's hard for me to give an opinion. I liked the idea of adding a few items to the loot that can be sold to Djinn or on Aruthang.


02.12.2024 00:54:44

Lord Phobos

Level: 11
Profession: Druid
Residence: Kazordoon
Posts: 44

Re: Aruthang - feedback and discussion

About cost of transportation, I believe PK teams and such things shouldn't be taken into consideration. They are a natural part of Tibia/open pvp.

If it makes sense to lower the boat cost for other reasons, facilitating access for pks and griefers is merely a consequence.


02.12.2024 06:28:43


Level: 26
Profession: Elder Druid
Residence: Ab'Dendriel
Posts: 246

Re: Aruthang - feedback and discussion

Thank you for your opinions, we acknowledge and consider everything that's being said here, not only that which I am commenting on right now, but I wanted to quickly clarify a few things:

Malakai  wrote:

I may be in the minority with my opinions, but I think the island is better off without a depot and with limited housing. However, there are other solutions that can help with some of the issues that players face. As you mentioned, there is an issue with the lack of safe zones for players who do not have a house on the island. Rather than introducing a depot/temple, which may introduce issues with population and PKs, you could potentially just add a small safe zone similar to the white flower tower. With this idea, there can be some good lore introduced around religious groups trying to establish their roots on the island.

There already is one in the "Little Kazo", or perhaps you meant to enlarge it or add another one?

Lama chodzi sama  wrote:

If the temple were to be completed, it should come at a much later stage than the depot access and at a substantially higher cost. Alternatively, the temple could be constructed without the option of permanent residence, justified by the lack of appropriately trained priests.

As said above, there already is a dwarf temple without the possiblity to become a citizen.

Lama chodzi sama  wrote:

Additionally, I would propose considering the possibility of enabling transportation to the island via the ship located in Drefia.

This is not possible lore-wise, because that boat belongs to NPC Molasar, who is only interested in Ankrahmun ruins, and his boat is not suitable for such a long and dangerous sail.

Zekrom  wrote:

If I understand correctly, there are supposed to be several islands, maybe make a few additional houses (not too many) on different islands, maybe 1-2 GH.

The new areas are not planned to have houses or a town at all. New houses can possibly be added on the main island.

Zekrom  wrote:

You once mentioned that if you're considering a depot, it should only be with a temple. If it's still like that, I'm against it. The island should remain exclusive.

I mentioned it earlier here. Yes, we would prefer to stay within the original concept, where a "city" has both depo and citizenship temple (e.g. Carlin, Thais or Edron) while a "village" has neither of these (e.g. Northport, Greenshore, Cormaya) and its houses technically belong to the nearest big town. Aruthang is a bit different from the other isles/villages, because the island is larger, it has way more NPCs, and it actually has two settlements with that "village status" (one dependant on Venore and the other on Kazordoon). Apart from that, we would prefer not to mix things up, and either keep it like that (without depo and temple) or make it a town/city equal to the others (with depo and citizenship temple). Of course, we do not rule out the possibility of, for example, adding more places with PZ instead.

Lord Phobos  wrote:

About cost of transportation, I believe PK teams and such things shouldn't be taken into consideration. They are a natural part of Tibia/open pvp.

If it makes sense to lower the boat cost for other reasons, facilitating access for pks and griefers is merely a consequence.

Sure, it is part of the game, but so are the natural barriers that make some places more isolated than the others. Living in a village also has a different feeling than living in a city (e.g. Fibula vs Thais). Both have its good and bad sides. Staying away from the big town is often annoying, e.g. when you trade a lot, but at the same time you're less bothered by the crowd. Each to their own. Some places are also designed to be more difficult to access and to have that sense of "exclusivity", apart from isolation. Lowering the cost and/or adding a citizenship portal would result in the island becoming much less isolated, which can also be both good or bad, depending on how you look at it, but for sure - different.
  • Last edited 02.12.2024 06:31:53.
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