Players Online
20 Jul 2024 - Today, the following changes were introduced to the game client: Extended FPS Limiter, which allows to set the frame rate limit between 201 and 1000 (as opposed to the standard 10-200), was added to Extra options (`+` button above the stances buttons). Also, the client icon was upgraded to hi-res, the broken STOP button has been fixed, as well as some graphics glitches and typos. In case of any issues with the auto-update, please try downloading the newest version of the client directly from the website.
Check full changelog...
Who is Online

Here you can view the list of all the characters who are online at the moment. The list is refreshed once every 5 minutes. Currently 82 players are online. The greatest number ever was 802 players on 18 Sep 2023 21:30:32 CEST.

Old Mureco Elite Knight 151
Renegado Of Inferno Elite Knight 131
Hashar Elite Knight 130
Ricky La'Fleur Elite Knight 119
Harukata Royal Paladin 115
Elro Royal Paladin 90
The Punisher Royal Paladin 66
Triftan Master Sorcerer 63
Kershav Elite Knight 61
Caranthir Master Sorcerer 60
Bull Radar Elite Knight 53
Typek Elite Knight 53
Lilith Master Sorcerer 48
Maria Rasputina Elder Druid 40
Qadesh Elder Druid 36
Burnwine Elder Druid 32
Daxian James Elite Knight 30
Narcan Master Sorcerer 28
Iron nou Master Sorcerer 27
Osmar Elder Druid 27
Niszczyciel dusz Elder Druid 26
Cindys Master Sorcerer 25
Dead-Sill Elder Druid 25
Feflun Elder Druid 25
Fire Punch Master Sorcerer 25
Ares less Elder Druid 24
Morpheu The God Elder Druid 24
Alaric Wandsnapper Master Sorcerer 23
Chophillips Sorcerer 23
Ogarniator Elder Druid 23
Sorkerer Master Sorcerer 23
Suspect Knight 23
Toxic No'ize Master Sorcerer 23
Knight myz Elder Druid 22
Lee Ray Master Sorcerer 22
Nair Kelli Master Sorcerer 22
Azifaralek Master Sorcerer 21
Children Master Sorcerer 21
Doryja Paladin 21
Toallin Master Sorcerer 21
Yourea Wizard Harry Master Sorcerer 21
Chotto Elder Druid 20
Franciszeck Master Sorcerer 20
Kataklizm Elder Druid 20
Kosmiicna Mandorynka Elder Druid 20
Lurifix Elder Druid 20
Obatalaa Master Sorcerer 20
Royce Master Sorcerer 20
Sathe Master Sorcerer 20
Snoppe Elder Druid 20
Thouxan Master Sorcerer 20
Arantza Elder Druid 19
Death Reich Master Sorcerer 19
Koszmarny Sen Elder Druid 19
Rica de vibe Master Sorcerer 19
Zacsito Master Sorcerer 19
Khalesi Elder Druid 18
Scharfschutze Master Sorcerer 18
Construction worker Master Sorcerer 17
Foxi Roxi Master Sorcerer 17
Malfurio Elder Druid 17
Titanara Ave Druid 17
Paperblunt Knight 16
Aang Elder Druid 15
Gosh Master Sorcerer 15
Green Cross Druid 15
Morgaroth Master Sorcerer 15
Nautilus Sorcerer 15
Oneal Master Sorcerer 15
Shenlong Druid 15
Exura Gran Mas Res Druid 14
Mufinek Knight 13
Gudfaight Ngudnaigt Druid 12
Kannario Knight 12
Catalina Druid 11
Conqueror Druid 11
Homelander Druid 11
Luneso Druid 10
Thomas Turbano Knight 10
Marimar Druid 9
Bilboshankins Paladin 8
Lufe None 1

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All times are CEST (GMT+02:00). This page was generated at 05:45.