Players Online
20 Jul 2024 - Today, the following changes were introduced to the game client: Extended FPS Limiter, which allows to set the frame rate limit between 201 and 1000 (as opposed to the standard 10-200), was added to Extra options (`+` button above the stances buttons). Also, the client icon was upgraded to hi-res, the broken STOP button has been fixed, as well as some graphics glitches and typos. In case of any issues with the auto-update, please try downloading the newest version of the client directly from the website.
Check full changelog...


27.07.2022 21:49:31


Level: 25
Profession: Elder Druid
Residence: Ab'Dendriel
Posts: 232

Re: About Ankrahmun

Dear Players,

as we were celebrating the second anniversary not so long ago, we mentioned that it's an excellent moment to summarise the recent developments. We realise that the subject of custom Ankrahmun heated the Tibiantis community almost as much as the sands of the vast desert of Kha'labal. You asked many questions about that topic and we decided to address all the issues exhaustively. We'd also like to show you our perspective, explain some of the reasons that had led us to the decisions that we made, and share our conslusions and lessons for the future. Moreover, we would like to take this opportunity to officially announce that the custom Ankrahmun is getting a rework! Please feel encouraged to read all about the answers, reasons and plans regarding Ankrahmun in this post.

There's more news we'd like to share with you. We've always been committed to the long-term development of the server, and many a time you asked about our plans for the future. That is why we prepared, for your reference, a list of our goals for the next weeks, months and years. It is sort of a roadmap that is meant to show the way for the development of Tibiantis. Feel free to view the plan and share your opinions. The development plan is available here.

As a side note, we'd like to inform that as of the 7th of August our emissary Christopher Tibis will have to return to his duties in the celestial realm. Be aware that the anniversary tokens will also fade away on that day at the time of the server save. Therefore, if you still haven't exchanged your tokens we suggest doing so as soon as possible.

Your Tibiantis Online Team

  • Last edited 27.07.2022 22:01:42.
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28.07.2022 20:55:21


Level: 13
Profession: Paladin
Residence: Thais
Posts: 8

Re: About Ankrahmun

wrong post
  • Last edited 28.07.2022 20:55:37.
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