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20 Jul 2024 - Today, the following changes were introduced to the game client: Extended FPS Limiter, which allows to set the frame rate limit between 201 and 1000 (as opposed to the standard 10-200), was added to Extra options (`+` button above the stances buttons). Also, the client icon was upgraded to hi-res, the broken STOP button has been fixed, as well as some graphics glitches and typos. In case of any issues with the auto-update, please try downloading the newest version of the client directly from the website.
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15.12.2022 10:05:20


Level: 25
Profession: Elder Druid
Residence: Ab'Dendriel
Posts: 232

Re: Update Reminder & Teaser

Report VI

The first excavations around the western structure revealed that it goes deep underground. Still, there's no evidence whatsoever that could corroborate the existence of an entrance. We have also been unable to confirm that there actually is any interior to be entered. However, completely new fragments of structures were brought to light by the underground excavation works, and this would suggest that the structures visible on the surface are only a fraction of all that can be found in this area. It is, therefore, recommended that the excavations be extended to search for other structures.

It's only two days till the Ankrahmun Rework Update! You can read more about the rework here as well as in the previous news.

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