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06 Jan 2025 - Today Santa returned to his home on Vega. Christmas trees are also gone and cannot be bought from NPCs anymore. Along with these changes, several minor map fixes have been applied (e.g. a missing stalagmite in the dragon lair was re-added, it is now not possible to levitate in that spot). Check full changelog...


03.12.2022 16:31:03


Level: 26
Profession: Elder Druid
Residence: Darashia
Posts: 260

Re: Update Announcement

Alas, this is the end!

The city is in ruin! A great battle took place in Kha'labal. The allied forces of humans and the friendly djinns faced the power of those foul green djinns. Inopportunely, when we least expected it, an army of undead entered the fight to aid our enemy. So all the rumours were true! Anon, there was complete chaos. Dark clouds concealed the suns and suddenly we were encompassed by darkness cut only by the flashes of powerful spells cast on both sides. Then the earth shook! One of such spells struck the central part of the wall and caused it, its indestructibility notwithstanding, to collapse. In seconds, an unstoppable fire wave broke into the city spreading quickly, carried by the wind, from tree to tree, from building to building. None of those who witnessed it had ever seen anything like it - it was horrifying! Many died an excruciating death, consumed by the flames, and I, the undersigned, am on a boat adrift, accompanied by a handful of survivors, carried by the tides to the north. We know not what awaits us, but have no illusions - thence is end of Ankrahmun and the end of this chronicle. May the gods watch over us!

Tibius Nibius, the city's chronicler

"When Ank?!" – This question, asked so often, has become almost rhetorical too long ago. It's high time it finally received an answer! The Ankrahmun rework that we announced a few months back will be introduced on the 17th of December 2022, during server save at the usual time (i.e. 09:00 CET). Therefore, the save might take a little longer - server reboot is scheduled for 12:00 CET.

You can read more about the rework, the reasons behind it, our motivation, and Ankrahmun itself here - we cordially invite you to do so while waiting for the update.

Your Tibiantis Online Team


03.12.2022 20:10:39

Reka Czlowieka Chlejacego

Level: 185
Profession: Royal Paladin
Residence: Venore

Marmolada Wisniowa of the Konfitury oraz Przetwory (Szlaban na konkuter)

Posts: 4

Re: Update Announcement

When Ank?


04.12.2022 02:32:06

Zaesvulah Wonendrepher

Level: 32
Profession: Elite Knight
Residence: Thais
Posts: 1

Re: Update Announcement

will this update include the old sprites aswell?


05.12.2022 16:53:34

Reka Czlowieka Chrzestnego

Level: 130
Profession: Paladin
Residence: Venore
Posts: 6

Re: Update Announcement

Is there any possibilty to add quest log in this update?
  • Last edited 05.12.2022 16:53:54.
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09.12.2022 17:27:29


Level: 102
Profession: Paladin
Residence: Venore
Posts: 3

Re: Update Announcement

Reka Czlowieka Chrzestnego  wrote:

Is there any possibilty to add quest log in this update?

Its a really good idea - This tool could be usefull for explorers, who doesn't remember what they already did :)


09.12.2022 18:52:10


Level: 8
Profession: Paladin
Residence: Thais
Posts: 105

Re: Update Announcement

Maurhex  wrote:

Reka Czlowieka Chrzestnego  wrote:

Is there any possibilty to add quest log in this update?

Its a really good idea - This tool could be usefull for explorers, who doesn't remember what they already did :)

a good explorer writes his own quest log

gl with update !!

ask not what tibiantis can do for you
ask what you can do for tibiantis


12.12.2022 07:57:04


Level: 26
Profession: Elder Druid
Residence: Darashia
Posts: 260

Re: Update Announcement

Zaesvulah Wonendrepher  wrote:

will this update include the old sprites aswell?

If you mean the older sprites sprite-pack, then no. But it's still on the list to-do.

Reka Czlowieka Chrzestnego  wrote:

Is there any possibilty to add quest log in this update?

No, quest log won't be added with this update.
  • Last edited 12.12.2022 07:57:48.
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