Players Online
06 Jan 2025 - Today Santa returned to his home on Vega. Christmas trees are also gone and cannot be bought from NPCs anymore. Along with these changes, several minor map fixes have been applied (e.g. a missing stalagmite in the dragon lair was re-added, it is now not possible to levitate in that spot). Check full changelog...
Dear Players,

Since we published the first teasers, we've been confirming that the newest content update would be released by the end of year 2024, because that was our actual plan. As it often happens though, life gets in the way, and so we were forced to announce that the release of the awaited update would, regrettably, be delayed. Many of you point out that we should inform you about such postponements as soon as it is clear that we won't be able to keep the schedule, and you are right to expect that of us. We realize that the communication on our part has been less than satisfying, so please accept our apologies—for this as much as for the delay itself.

Having said that, delays are not uncommon in the game industry, often present even in the top gaming companies, let alone small projects that are more of a hobby than a real business. Therefore, we kindly ask for your understanding in this regard, for creating content updates is no easy task, definitely more complicated than it may seem. And to corroborate our words, we'd like to introduce you to the process of creation and the difficulties that come along with it, in the hopes that you will appreciate the reasons why our time estimates turn out to be inaccurate. Another significant issue that should be noted here is the fact that content updates are never the only thing that we're currently working on, and they aren't even the one with the highest priority. We've always said that most of our time goes to taking care of everyday server matters and the server's stability, to ensuring fair, safe, and free-of-cheaters gameplay for everyone, and to handling players' daily affairs. Only once we're done with all that can we attend to new ideas and content. The update is just one of many such things, and this makes it even harder to plan ahead. You can read about all that and other update-related matters in this article. It is addressed not only to those of you who excitedly await updates but also to those who fear that new content might despoil Tibiantis of the spirit of nostalgia or break the balance. Fret not, we are fully aware of the challenge!

Finally, we would like to take this opportunity to announce that the newest update, "The Depths of the Abyss", will be released on 30 June 2025. This may seem like distant future, but we really wanted to give you a target date, and we needed to reserve some extra time so that we can deliver without disappointment. The release will also most likely be preceded by an open test server in order to verify the client and backend changes. (The test server will not include the new game content, for we do not wish to leak too much before the release. The sole objective during the open test server period will be to test the technical changes only.) Please also note that this year's anniversary celebrations will be delayed until after the update, and that is because we need that time to fully focus all our efforts on polishing the update's content. Moreover, we'd like to inform you in advance that on the update day, loading and introducing all the new content might cause the server save to prolong. We will of course include reminders about this in the next announcements, in which we will also let you in on some of the incoming content.

After the release, we shall share with you more of our plans for the rest of the year, because the upcomming update is definitely not the finishing line. Stay tuned.

Your Tibiantis Online Team

Kay, 16 Mar 2025 23:36:01 CET Comment (0)

Ho ho ho!

That very special time of the year has come, when we can find out who's been good and who's earned themselves a lump of coal! The decision, of course, belongs to Santa Claus, who—once again—has departed from his home on Vega to deliver gifts to y'all! Search for him all around downtown in your cities to see what he brought you this year! As tradition would have it, you can also decorate your houses with Christmas trees to feel the holiday spirit!

We would also like to take this opportunity to wish you all rare loots, lagless hunting, no kick deaths, and most of all very merry Christmas and a happy New Year, which we hope you'll spend with us yet another time!

Your Tibiantis Online Team

Kay, 24 Dec 2024 10:05:04 CET Comment (1)

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