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04.08.2024 00:57:50

Hand of Blood

Level: 26
Profession: Knight
Residence: Thais

Retired of the Bolts and Cats (Event Organizer)

Posts: 91

Re: Official 13th Tibiantis Monthly Screenshot Contest

Prizes are sponsored and paid out by Tibiantis Administration!

Please use the following file formats: PNG or BMP
By participating you accept that the picture COULD be used for advertisting by official Tibiantis Administration. Last rule, make sure "Dont Stretch/Shrink Map" Is enabled when you make your Screenshot. This ensures that the ingame graphics have the highest detail possible.

Prosimy o korzystanie z nastepujacych formatow plikow: PNG lub BMP
Biorac udzial w konkursie akceptujesz, ze zdjecie moze byc uzyte do reklamy przez oficjalna administracje Tibiantis. Trzecia i ostatnia zasada, upewnij sie, ze opcja "Dont Stretch/Shrink Map" jest wlaczona, kiedy robisz Screenshot. To gwarantuje, ze grafika w grze ma najwyzsza mozliwa szczegolowosc.

Por favor, utilize os seguintes formatos de ficheiro: PNG ou BMP
Ao participar, aceita que a fotografia possa ser utilizada para publicidade pela administracao oficial da Tibiantis. Terceira e ultima regra, certifique-se de que "Dont Stretch/Shrink Map" esta activado quando fizer a sua Screenshot. Isto assegura que os graficos no jogo tenham o maior detalhe possivel.

Settings>Graphics>Advanced>ENABLE "Dont stretch/shrink the Map"

If it isnt enabled in your entry, your screenshot is not qualified!
Jesli nie jest on wlaczony w Twoim wpisie, Twoj zrzut ekranu nie jest zakwalifikowany!
Se nao for activada na sua entrada, a sua imagem de ecra nao e qualificada!

I am looking forward to hosting a little fun competition between us, as you may have read in the title, it will be about screenshots. There is no specific theme for this month. You can show off your house, a crazy overspawn or whatever you want! Feel free to do anything!

1: One entry per person, I will personally try my best to ensure this rule is enforced.
2: The contest will run from the 04.08.2024 until the 31.08.2024 09:00 CET, any screenshot after this time will not be counted.
3: The screenshot must be taken within this timeframe.
4: Please keep the screenshot as unedited as possible (especially if it is a loot screenshot). Of course you can decorate it with text, flowers etc.
5: There will be no penalty for late entry! After the contest is over, I will review all the pictures and choose the winners. (1-10 days, depending on how busy I am with work.)

1st Place - 1x Premium Token (30 Days of Premium Time)
2nd Place - 14 Days of Premium Time
3rd Place - 7 Days of Premium Time

You can use this thread to submit your screenshot.

[optional] Make sure you include your ingame & city name in your submission.
You can upload it to or

Z przyjemnoscia informuje, ze poprowadze maly zabawny konkurs miedzy nami. Jak mogliscie przeczytac w tytule, bedzie on dotyczyl screenshotow. Nie ma konkretnego tematu na ten miesiac. Mozecie pokazac swoj dom, szalonego overspawna, lub cokolwiek chcecie! Czujcie sie swobodnie i robcie wszystko!

1: Jedno zgloszenie na osobe, osobiscie postaram sie jak najlepiej dopilnowac, aby ta zasada byla egzekwowana.
2: Konkurs bedzie trwal od 04.08.2024 do 31.08.2024 09:00 CET, wszelkie screenshoty po tym czasie nie beda zaliczane.
3: Zrzut ekranu musi byc zrobiony w tym terminie.
4: Prosimy, aby screenshot byl jak najmniej edytowany (szczegolnie jesli jest to loot screenshot). Oczywiscie mozna go ozdobic tekstem, kwiatkami itp.
5: Nie bedzie zadnej kary za spoznione zgloszenie! Po zakonczeniu konkursu przejrze wszystkie zdjecia i wybiore zwyciezcow. (Rozpatrzenie bedzie trwalo 1-10 dni, w zaleznosci od tego jak bardzo jestem zajety praca).

1 Miejsce - 1x Zeton Premium (30 dni gry premium)
2 Miejsce - 14 dni gry premium
3 Miejsce - 7 dni gry premium

Mozesz uzyc tego watku, aby przeslac swoj zrzut ekranu.

Upewnij sie, ze podasz swoja nazwe w grze i nazwe miasta w swoim zgloszeniu.
Mozesz przeslac go na lub

Estou ansioso por organizar um pequeno concurso divertido entre nos, como ja devem ter lido no titulo, sera sobre screenshots. Nao ha um tema especifico para este mes. Pode exibir a sua casa, uma louca exagerada ou o que quiser! Sinta-se a vontade para fazer qualquer coisa!

1: Uma entrada por pessoa, tentarei pessoalmente dar o meu melhor para assegurar que esta regra seja aplicada.
2: O concurso decorrera desde 04.08.2024 ate 31.08.2024 09:00 CET, qualquer captura de ecra apos este tempo nao sera contada.
3: A captura de ecra deve ser tirada dentro deste periodo de tempo.
4: Por favor, manter a captura de ecra o mais inedita possivel (especialmente se se tratar de uma captura de ecra de pilhagem). E claro que pode decora-la com texto, flores, etc.
5: Nao havera penalizacao por entrada tardia! Apos o fim do concurso, vou rever todas as fotografias e escolher os vencedores. (1-10 dias, dependendo de quao ocupado estou com o trabalho).

1º Lugar - 1x Token de premio (30 dias de jogo premium)
2º Lugar - 14 dias de jogo premium
3º Lugar - 7 dias de jogo premium

Pode utilizar este topico para submeter a sua imagem de ecra.

Certifique-se de que inclui o seu nome no jogo e o nome da cidade na sua submissao.
Pode carrega-lo para ou

Good luck & have fun!

For your information I have translated the text (ESP/PL) with a translator. I don't want anyone to be excluded just because they don't speak a language!
Dla Twojej informacji przetlumaczylem tekst (ESP/PL) za pomoca translatora. Nie chce, aby ktokolwiek byl wykluczony tylko dlatego, ze nie zna jezyka!
Para su informacion he traducido el texto (ESP/PL) con un traductor. No quiero que se excluya a nadie por el mero hecho de no hablar un idioma.
  • Last edited 04.08.2024 00:58:38.
  • Quote


23.08.2024 05:10:24

Pablla Vittar

Level: 37
Profession: Knight
Residence: Thais
Posts: 16

Re: Official 13th Tibiantis Monthly Screenshot Contest

Disney's plays have arrived in Tibiantis, and Pablla Vittar has decided to watch the adaptation of '𝔖𝔫𝔬𝔴 𝔚𝔥𝔦𝔱𝔢 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔖𝔢𝔳𝔢𝔫 𝔇𝔴𝔞𝔯𝔣𝔰' at Carlin's theater.
During the performance, she was enchanted by the story, which delves into themes of love, courage, friendship, and overcoming challenges.
Unlike the current plays in Tibiantis, which often focus on achievements, destruction, and wars, the story of '𝔖𝔫𝔬𝔴 𝔚𝔥𝔦𝔱𝔢 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔖𝔢𝔳𝔢𝔫 𝔇𝔴𝔞𝔯𝔣𝔰' is based on a fairy tale—a novel concept for the Tibians.
The simple and engaging narrative makes the central message of the triumph of good over evil easy to understand and appreciate, resonating deeply with the audience. Many in the crowd commented throughout the performance, creating a small commotion due to its emotional impact.

Pablla Vittar
from Thais

  • Last edited 28.08.2024 23:34:50.
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24.08.2024 14:15:16

Lo Shu

Level: 31
Profession: Royal Paladin
Residence: Kazordoon
Posts: 4

Re: Official 13th Tibiantis Monthly Screenshot Contest


28.08.2024 05:03:57


Level: 43
Profession: Paladin
Residence: Thais
Posts: 2

Re: Official 13th Tibiantis Monthly Screenshot Contest

At Garotinha's Bar, all creatures are welcome, whether they are mystical, mythical, considered wild, evil, or good. This is a place where the barriers between races dissolve, allowing vampires and goblins, witches and priestesses, dwarves and cyclops, humans and magical beings to unite in a shared passion for great drinks and delicious food. In this warm and inviting atmosphere, even the most unlikely beings find a place where they can set aside their differences and celebrate the essence of living together in harmony.

Come to visit!
Fibula Village, Bar

This Week's Specials:
- Minotaur Cheese
- Hamtworm Burger
- Fried Fibula Fish
- Beerzordoon (real dwarf-beer! No fake!)
- Druid Wine (made with exevo pan)
- Carlinmonade (squeezed with valkyrie punches)
- Slime Smoothie (show that you are as tough as a dwarf)

  • Last edited 28.08.2024 05:07:22.
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01.09.2024 04:58:22


Level: 38
Profession: Druid
Residence: Thais
Posts: 3

Re: Official 13th Tibiantis Monthly Screenshot Contest


With Twitter banned in Brazil, looks like the only thing trending will be neighborhood gossip and 'likes' will have to be in person! Imagine trying to fit hashtags into a conversation—'Hey, #HUNTISMINE?'
And without Twitter, maybe we’ll all finally get a good night's sleep—no more midnight doom-scrolling, just actual dreams! Plus, it might be a great time to revive that old hobby of writing on bathroom walls. Who knew we'd be bringing back ancient forms of social media or we can play Tibiantis like the old days?...

With Twitter banned in Brasil, Tibia players can finally focus on grinding without getting distracted by endless tweets! Who needs trending topics when you've got quests to complete and dragons to slay? Maybe instead of scrolling through Twitter, we’ll see everyone hanging out at the Depot, chatting about the good old days—where 'hashtags' are just the number of dragons you’ve slain, and ‘tweets’ are the sounds of the birds in Rookgaard!


  • Last edited 01.09.2024 04:59:16.
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