26 Oct 2024 - Thanks to a few tweaks to the back-end infrastructure, the server save will now last 10 minutes at most, rather than way over 20 as it did before.
Check full changelog...
Hi. Scanned .zip file i got off your OTS page. Question is - why the heck most of scanners show trojans out there. It is not single case so i would not definitely risk saying this might be a false-positive read. Anyone up to explain this rationally? Cheers!
You did not include any information as to what scanners you had used, so it is hard to relate. But it is not true that most of them report alleged trojans. Some do, but it's a minority, and yes - in all cases it is false positive. It is not uncommon for many AVs to automatically flag software from an unknown publisher just in case. Whenever we are reported issues with any AV, we always notify them about false positive and request a wider analysis. In most cases it results in removing those flags, but some AVs have a very poor support that doesn't even care to answer. So, whenever you use those online scanners that include dozens of AVs, you should bear that in mind that not all of them are necessairly reliable. Also, those flags may reappear when the client gets updated and the signatures change.
To answer your title question: there is nothing wrong with the Tibiantis client. It has been used by thousands of players weekly for the past 4 years. If it does not speak to you, then I probably won't be able to convince you, so just don't use it if you are afraid.
Wouldn't be cool to do something about it? Like explaining it oficially?
Most of these AV's use same engine, that's why they have same detection name. Besides, it's pure heurestic detection (false-positive), which is normal. If engine detects that executable is downloading files from internet (like our updater) then it's mark this executable as potentially harmful. Within those almost 4 years we have contacted AV's many times with whitelisting request, but as Kay said part of them never replied to us due to lack of support.
Wouldn't be cool to do something about it? Like explaining it oficially?
It's 9/64 to be exact. My post already explains what we are doing about it. I can't see a reason why we should be commenting "officially" on why some unknown Chinese AV flags our client and doesn't respond to our requests. Anyway, you can consider our replies here as official.
Czesc Podczas wlaczenia programy/proby ponownego sciagniecia pliku ze strony glownej.
Pojawia sie blokada ze strony Avast. Zainfekowana przez Win32:MalwareX-gen [Trj]
Kon trojanski - to zagrozenie udaje, ze jest czyms innym (np. obrazem, dokumentem lub innym plikiem), aby naklonic Cie do jego uruchomienia, po czym infekuje Twoj komputer.
Czy moglby ktos oficjalnie potwierdzic/zaprzeczyc konia trojaskiego na tibiantise. Co robic w takiej sytuacji ?
Hi I can't open Tibiantis/download it again. Antivirus (Avast) blocking Tibiantis exe because of MalwareX-gen [Trj] Trojan virus.
What is going on :) ? Could someone explain it, please ?