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23.11.2023 10:44:04


Level: 26
Profession: Elder Druid
Residence: Ab'Dendriel
Posts: 246

Re: What is wrong with tibiantis client?

Arrow Women  wrote:

Podczas wlaczenia programy/proby ponownego sciagniecia pliku ze strony glownej.

Pojawia sie blokada ze strony Avast.
Zainfekowana przez Win32:MalwareX-gen [Trj]

Kon trojanski - to zagrozenie udaje, ze jest czyms innym (np. obrazem, dokumentem lub innym plikiem), aby naklonic Cie do jego uruchomienia, po czym infekuje Twoj komputer.

Czy moglby ktos oficjalnie potwierdzic/zaprzeczyc konia trojaskiego na tibiantise.
Co robic w takiej sytuacji ?

I can't open Tibiantis/download it again.
Antivirus (Avast) blocking Tibiantis exe because of MalwareX-gen [Trj]
Trojan virus.

What is going on :) ?
Could someone explain it, please ?

You already DO HAVE the explanation in this thread, just read the posts above. Also, please mind that forum boards are restricted to the English language only.


23.11.2023 10:44:06


Level: 300
Profession: Master Sorcerer
Residence: Edron
Posts: 165

Re: What is wrong with tibiantis client?

It's false positive and it's already reported to Avast.
Please read this thread:

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