26 Oct 2024 - Thanks to a few tweaks to the back-end infrastructure, the server save will now last 10 minutes at most, rather than way over 20 as it did before.
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Re: 2nd Tibiantis Knowledge Test 11.10.2023 21:00 CET
Hello Everyone!
We are preparing new event in Tibiantis. It will be big tibiantis knowledge test. Event will be simple: I`ll ask question, you will give answers. Good answear +1 point, bad answear 0 point. People with highest score wins.
We gather in one place - Venore depo. Before we start event I would open private chat with every1 interested, also add all people who will participe in event to my own chat chanell. We will do it this way: I will say sentences: NEXT QUESTION on default ASK QUESTION on default, private channel YOU NEED TO ANSWER AS FAST AS POSSIBLE on my PRIVATE MESSAGE(WE WILL COUNT PRIVATE MESSAGES) COUNT 3 2 1 When I end counting and write NEXT QUESTION all answers after this message wont be counted for previous question: NEXT QUESTION on default ASK QUESTION on default, private channel YOU NEED TO ANSWER AS FAST AS POSSIBLE on my PRIVATE MESSAGE(WE WILL COUNT ANSWERS ON PRIVATE MESSAGES) COUNT 3 2 1 And next round. Over and over, till last question. REMEMBER AFTER I WRITE QUESTION YOU CAN ANSWER, ANSWERS WILL BE COUNTED ON MY PRIVATE MESSAGE CHANNEL. REMEMBER AFTER I WRITE "NEXT QUESTION" ANSWERS FOR LAST ONE WONT BE COUNTED.
After whole event, we will give all answers on forum, count your answears and public the score on forum. Cause of counting most important are PMS!!!!! When event will begin stop msg me with anything else except answears. I have tested today I can open more then 100 pms, so prolly there is no limit or its very high. People with highest score will get some rewards. There will be many questions, I dont want to tell you exactly what kind of question it will be. But it will be knowledge based on Tibia 1.0 till 7.4+tibiantis lore, It will be test about old tibia legends, items, servers, monsters, cipsoft itself. Wont tell more.
Who can join? Every1 who can be in Venore depo, so you need to be on mainland. Any1 who will spam me will be instantly ignored and exluded from event. Some questions will be designed by me, some by administration of server. Dont even try to ask me what questions I`ll ask:)
Re: 2nd Tibiantis Knowledge Test 11.10.2023 21:00 CET
1. What is the best known obtainable armor on Rookgard? 2. What is the name of Kazordoon Temple NPC? 3. Who was the 1st lvl 100 on the lands of Tibiantis? 4. Who was the 1st lvl 150 on the lands of Tibiantis? 5. Who was th 1st lvl 200 on the lands of Tibiantis? 6. Who completed the 1st Annihilator on Tibiantis? 7. Who was the 1st character who left Rookgard on Tibiantis? 8. Who was the 1st exiled player on Tibiantis? 9. Who looted the 1st amazon shield on Tibiantis? 10. Who was chosen for the Tibiantis President and what happend to them? 11. Mention two monsters that loot red robe. 12. What monster drops hammer of wrath? 13. What monster drops guardian hallberd? 14. What is the protection of a stone skin amulet? 15. Who owns a great axe? 16. What nationality has the highest population on Tibiantis? 17. Type 3 spawns where you can meet desert hunters. 18. Type 2 monsters that loot small amethyst 19. Type 2 monsters that loot small diamond. 20. What is the reward of the old bright sword quest on Tibiantis? 21. When Tibiantis started (date)? 22. Who created guide for skilling and damage system on tibiantis forum? 23. What is the oldest guild on Tibiantis? 24. Who made the best record of gained experience in one day (till 10.10.2023)? 25. How can you access ankrahmun on Tibiantis? Type 3 ways. 26. Who discovered the big troglodytes' spawn as first on Tibiantis? 27. When can you meet Father of all brothers? 28. Type 6 dragon lord spawns. 29. Type 3 monsters that don't give any loot. 30. What is the cost if you use bring me to on boats/carpet? 31. Who won the 1st battle royal event? 32. Who won the 1st marathon event? 33. Who won the 1st football tournament on Tibiantis? 34. Who was the 1st 100 club fighting on tibiantis? 35. Where can you find steamboats on Tibiantis? 36. Type 3 boss monsters that exist on Tibiantis. 37. How many ferumbras raids were on Tibiantis? 38. How many orshabaal rides were on Tibiantis? 39. For how much can you sell dwarven shield to npc? 40. Where can you sell hatchet on Tibia? 41. How far do you need to lure a monster to create overspawn? 42. How was a great shield obtained? 43. Finish the sentence: One Mano... 44. What items do you need to give away to be allowed to trade with dwarves in Aruthang? 45. In what year was real Tibia Launched? 46. Name the first non pvp server in Tibia. 47. In what year Cipsoft Launched Danubia? 48. What are the postfixes of all the names of servers located in Germany and in America? 49. In what update cipsoft introduced game-chat and trade chanels? 50. In what update was ankrahmun added in real tibia? 51. In what update was the chest quest system introduced? 52. Where was the entrance to Calcanea located? 53. What is the name of Goshnar's grandson? 54. Who has discovered Aruthang? 55. What is the name of the highest peak on Aruthang? 56. What is the name of the island south of the Plains of Havoc? 57. Who or what is the infamous pamela? 58. Who has died the most times in Tibiantis? 59. Who provides the bandits with arrows? 60. Which monster in Tibiantis is killed the most?
Re: 2nd Tibiantis Knowledge Test 11.10.2023 21:00 CET
1. chain armor 2. Isimov 3. Galilee 4. Niklas 5. Zany 6. Vop 7. Amethyst 8. Junior Benjamin 9. Mortisan 10. Xineta Spellcaster – exiled 11. Banshee and Sandlord 12. Magma Beast 13. Underwom 14. 80,00% 15. Biggest Pig/Reality Reboot/Jeggar/any other RR member 16. Poland/Polish players 17. desert hunters cave in entrance, midle of desert on ankrahmun, town of ankrahmun - towers, key spawn in north-east of ankrahmun.oasis etc. All correct answers were counted 18. Dwarf Guard, Scarab, Ancient Scarab, Behemoth 19. Dragon, Crypt Shambler, Alphadyte, Valkiria 20. 8k, 50 power bolts and red gem 21. 4.04.2020 22. Dratini 23. Tibiantis Finest 24. Reka Czlowieka Chawoznego 25. by abbas, by molasar, by secret passage with desert hunters, by djinns – and all similar answers were counted like "fence, door under desert, ship on drefia etc." 26. Rogue 27. On anniversary events/ we accepted also "event" as good answer because u have limited time for answer. 28. molts, poh, vdl, edl, ankh midle and north spawn, cyclopolis, draconia, thais dungeons near mintwailn, deeper fibula, banshee final room, naginata quest 29. slime, tar, sneak, wasp, cobra, fire elemental, scorpion, 30. Triple, 3 x ; etc. 31. Smakosz Kalu; Profesorek/ Wozkowy – we accepted all of this 32. Moze puchacz moze uhacz and Lari de'kremuwka 33. Torgowica 34. Noone 35. Cormaya, Kazordoon, Aruthang 36. Yeti, Ferumbras and Orshabaal 37. 3 38. 2 39. 100Gp 40. Rookgard and Fibula – answer was accepted if there was only one place 41. 11 sqm – because it's 10 sqm from spawn place, so it's 10+1. In this term nobody answer correct – Kay said to accept only answer "11 or more then 10". So answers like 15, 50 etc wasnt accepted either. 42. Looted from Ferumbras 43. one pc, one tibia, one char 44. tower shield, dragon shield, dragon hammer 45. 1997 46. Secura 47. 2003 48. -era and -a 49. 7.0 50. 7.3 51. 7.2 52. Fibula dungeon 53. Ferumbras 54. battuta / darshians 55. Needle 56. Isle of Mists 57. Hurricane 58. Komandos Jezusa 59. Edoch 60. rotworms/rots
Re: 2nd Tibiantis Knowledge Test 11.10.2023 21:00 CET
So at 1st congratulation thanks for joining event:)
As 2nd There were accepted only answers on private message and counted before i wrote "next question".
As 3rd congratulation for 3 best people who will be rewarded: 1st place and best score 34 points:Goshnarr 2nd place and best score 31 points: Niklas and Viper The Rapper
Full list: Name Score Goshnarr 34 Niklas 31 Viper The Rapper 31 Mieled 30 Protected by Profesorek 30 Bailnho Kong 29 Hiram Kong 28 Jareckii 28 Astryo 27 Phoraz 27 Waldo 25 Bybi 21 Ocean Man 19 Dewiant 18 Fiddy 18 Cacalino 18 Smokedhead 17 Dust 17 Pan Ferdek 16 Flomes 16 Maxiimus 14 Banjamin 12 Wanted 12 Czarna Wdowa 10 Max Verstappen 10 Dziki Samogon 10 Wazone 9 Disseminator 9 Archews 8 More Bedozaurus 8 Megan Fox 8 Kij 8 Bladesman 8 Dharel 8 Mats Vinblad 7 Axterios 7 Gattan 7 Sledziu 5 Somsiad 4 Deetasea 4 Sheikh'mir 3 Venore Merchant 3 Tao Tie 3 Gulasz 3 Tharuke 2 Nordil 2 Juan Jose 2 Theodore Roosevelt 1 Maszyna Do Mielenia Miesa 1 Hemmer 1 Iboz 1 Szajka 1 Hakkano 1 Lenhador Barbudo 0 Czarna Szprych 0 Wirujacy bolt 0