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24.08.2023 20:36:26

Quiet Molly

Level: 7
Profession: Knight
Residence: Thais
Posts: 10

Re: Quiet Molly Lottery! MPA + GOLDEN LEGS + DEMON HELMET

Lottery is closed because we didn't manage to collect enought tickets. I will keep the post tho, it might be usefull for future people creating new lottery! :)

Everyone who participated, got his cash refunded into Thais depot + 400gp for travel. :)

Hiho everyone!

As promised, starting on 24.08.2023, I'm beginning the collection of lottery tickets! :]

Date of Lottery: -


1. The cost of a single ticket:
    a) TEDDY BEAR: 10k,
    c) GOLDEN LEGS: 2k,
    d) DEMON HELMET: 2k.
2. Number of all available tickets for each lottery:
    a) TEDDY BEAR: 100,
    a) MAGIC PLATE ARMOR: 120,
    b) GOLDEN LEGS: 75,
    c) DEMON HELMET: 90.
3. Each player can purchase any number of tickets, assuming that the number doesn't exceed the number of available tickets.
4. In case of exceeding the number of available tickets for a particular lottery, the extra tickets will be refunded or shifted to the remaining available lotteries, depending on the participant's preference, and they will be informed.
5. The in-game character name of the participant who purchases tickets may either be made public or replaced by a pseudonym, depending on preference.
6. The exact date of the drawing will be determined when the last available ticket is acquired by a participant. The date will also be announced in this thread.
7. None of the organizer's in-game characters will participate in the drawing.
8. All acquired tickets will be recorded in the order they are acquired and will be "shuffled" on the day of the lottery using OpenAI's chat.
9. If by the date 16.09.2023 all tickets are not sold, the value of the tickets will be refunded to the participants' in-game characters.
10. The drawing will take place on the organizer's Twitch stream:

How to Acquire a Ticket?

-Tickets can only be acquired by sending a parcel to the character: Quiet Molly in the city of Thais.

What Should the Parcel Contain?

-Must contain at least 20 platinum coins (value of one ticket)
  -Must contain a letter or another writeable item, which will include the following information:
    a) The name of the character who owns the ticket/tickets,
    b) Description of which lottery the participant wants to use the ticket for (MPA/GOLDEN LEGS/DEMON HELMET),
    c) Pseudonym to be displayed during the drawing (optional),
    d) The user can send tickets for multiple lotteries in one parcel, indicating the distribution they would like to apply.

About organiser:

Hey, I'm Quiet Molly - Your Cassino Host, doing Cassino on Tibiantis for 2 years now:>

Bilety MPA sa teraz wycenione na 5k. Istniejace bilety pozostaja bez zmian, koszt zmiany pokrywa organizator.
DODANO TEDDY BEAR do loterii z kosztem biletu 10k.

Witam wszystkich!

Zgodnie z obietnica, z dniem 24.08.2023 rozpoczynam zbieranie losow na loterie! :]

Termin loterii: -


1. Koszt jednego biletu:
    a) TEDDY BEAR: 10k,
    c) GOLDEN LEGS: 2k,
    d) DEMON HELMET: 2k.
2. Liczba wszystkich dostepnych losow dla poszczegolnych loterii:
    a) TEDDY BEAR: 100,
    a) MAGIC PLATE ARMOR: 120,
    b) GOLDEN LEGS: 75,
    c) DEMON HELMET: 90.
3. Kazdy gracz moze wykupic dowolna ilosc losow, z zalozeniem, ze liczba ta nie przekroczy liczby dostepnych losow.
4. W przypadku przekroczenia liczby dostepnych losow dla danej loterii, nadmiarowe losy zostana zwrocone lub przekazane na pozostale dostepne loterie w zaleznosci od preferencji uczestnika, o czym zostanie on poinformowany.
5. Nazwa postaci uczestnika, ktory zakupi losy, w zaleznosci od preferencji moze zostac publiczna lub zastapiona pseudonimem.
6. Dokladny termin losowan bedzie ustalony wraz z pozyskaniem przez jednego z uczestnikow ostatniego dostepnego losu. Termin zostanie rowniez ogloszony w tym temacie.
7. Zadna z postaci organizatora nie bedzie brala udzialu w losowaniu.
8. Wszystkie pozyskane losy beda zapisywane zgodnie z kolejnoscia pozyskania, a nastepnie w dniu loterii zostana one "przetasowane" za pomoca czatu openAI.
9. W przypadku gdy do daty: 16.09.2023 nie zostana wykupione wszystkie losy, wartosc losow zostanie zwrocona na postacie uczestnikow.
10. Losowanie wygranych odbedzie sie na streamie organizatora na platformie Twitch:

Jak pozyskac los?

-Losy mozna pozyskac jedynie w przypadku wyslania parcela na postac: Quiet Molly do miasta Thais.

Jak powinna wygladac zawartosc parcela?

-Musi zawierac przynajmniej 20 platinum coins(wartosc jednego losu)
   -Musi zawierac letter lub inny zapisywalny przedmiot, w ktorym zostana zawarte informacje:
     a) Nazwa postaci do ktorej nalezy los/losy,
     b) Opis na ktora loterie uczestnik chce wykorzystac los(MPA/GOLDEN LEGS/DEMON HELMET),
     c) Pseudonim, ktory widoczny bedzie na losowaniu(opcjonalne)
     d) Uzytkownik moze w jednym parcelu wyslac losy na kilka loterii jednoczesnie, informujac o rozkladzie z jakim chcialby je umiescic

About organiser:

Siema, Jestem Quiet Molly - Prowadze kasynko na tym serwie od 2 lat:>

GL & HF :D
Quiet Molly

I like cassino. Check it out! :D

  • Last edited 16.09.2023 14:15:00.
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24.08.2023 21:05:48

Quiet Molly

Level: 7
Profession: Knight
Residence: Thais
Posts: 10

Re: Quiet Molly Lottery! MPA + GOLDEN LEGS + DEMON HELMET



I like cassino. Check it out! :D

  • Last edited 16.09.2023 14:13:17.
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24.08.2023 21:07:03

Quiet Molly

Level: 7
Profession: Knight
Residence: Thais
Posts: 10

Re: Quiet Molly Lottery! MPA + GOLDEN LEGS + DEMON HELMET



I like cassino. Check it out! :D

  • Last edited 16.09.2023 14:13:06.
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24.08.2023 21:08:03

Quiet Molly

Level: 7
Profession: Knight
Residence: Thais
Posts: 10

Re: Quiet Molly Lottery! MPA + GOLDEN LEGS + DEMON HELMET



I like cassino. Check it out! :D

  • Last edited 16.09.2023 14:12:52.
  • Quote


06.09.2023 21:25:15

Quiet Molly

Level: 7
Profession: Knight
Residence: Thais
Posts: 10

Re: Quiet Molly Lottery! MPA + GOLDEN LEGS + DEMON HELMET



I like cassino. Check it out! :D

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