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12.07.2023 09:14:10

Lady Pupcia

Level: 16
Profession: Knight
Residence: Carlin
Posts: 1


Hello, I noticed that on many internet portals like allegro, facebook a lot of people sell characters from tibiantis many people and even I think that practically everyone there cheats on groups there is a lot of information about cheaters who use the naivety of other people, so I propose that the tibiantis crew make it easier selling characters so that cheaters do not take advantage of the good name of the tibiantis server and the naivety of players.

Witam,Zauwazylem iz na wielu portalach internetowych jak allegro,facebook duzo osob sprzedaje postacie z tibiantis wielu ludzi a nawet mysle ze praktycznie kazdy tam oszukuje na grupach jest wiele informacji na temat oszustow ktorzy wykozystuja naiwnosc innych ludzi, dlatego wychodze z propozycja aby zaloga tibiantis ulatwila sprzedaz postaci, aby oszusci nie czerpali korzysci z dobrego imienia serwera tibiantis i naiwnosci graczy.

translated by google translate/tlumaczone przez google translator


12.07.2023 09:31:12


Level: 106
Profession: Master Sorcerer
Residence: Edron

Celestial Mau of the Bolts and Cats

Posts: 11


Please... We don't want any market on Tibiantis.

Lady Pupcia  wrote:

translated by google translate/tlumaczone przez google translator

  • Last edited 12.07.2023 09:31:57.


12.07.2023 18:37:08


Level: 26
Profession: Elder Druid
Residence: Ab'Dendriel
Posts: 246


Lady Pupcia  wrote:

I propose that the tibiantis crew make it easier selling characters so that cheaters do not take advantage of the good name of the tibiantis server and the naivety of players.

This will not happen. I suggest people stop buying accounts and items from other players for real money, instead.

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