26 Oct 2024 - Thanks to a few tweaks to the back-end infrastructure, the server save will now last 10 minutes at most, rather than way over 20 as it did before.
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Hello! In this thread I wanted to explain everything about weapons, attack, defence, armor and skilling!
Let's start from the basics, the same formulas affect every character in the game, no matter of your vocation.
It's fairly simple, you blood hit monsters, they attack you back and your skill rise, but how exactly? Simple! If you're wielding only a weapon without any shield you need to deal 1 blood hit every 30 hits. (60s) If you're wielding a weapon and a shield with 1 monster attacking you, you have to deal 1 blood hit every 15 hits. (30s) If you're wielding a weapon and a shield with 2 monsters attacking you, you must deal 1 blood hit every 10 hits .(20s) If you won't meet those conditions your skill will "lock" and you will be no longer able to advance until next blood hit.
Armor formula is simple: (arm/2) + rand(0-99)%(arm/2) But what does it mean? Let's say for example you're using plate armor, plate legs, leather boots and steel helmet that would give you total of 24 armor, let's put it into formula, leading to: (24/2) + rand(0-99)%(24/2)
Your armor reduction will be from 12 up to 23 meaning, each hit you will block 12-23 by your armor.
The Second rand counts from 0 up to arm-1 value (0-11 in this case)
Rand in formula is a always random number between 0-99% (and those %'s mean how much of additional 11 will be added, if you roll 50 then you will block 12+5 [50% from 11 is 5.5 then rounded down]
IMPORTANT: It's worthless to use odd number of armor (let's say 27) as it will always be rounded down, if your only armor item will be soldier helmet (with arm of 5) it will give you the same protection as legion helmet with armor 4, Effectively, upgrade your armor by 2 points and always keep it even. The only exception is having exactly 1 armor as it will work as plain (1/2 = 1) in this case it will be rounded up, meaning that having 1, 2 or 3 points of armor results in the same protection.
Probably the most important as it determines how good we can hit. Formula for attack(and def since they share the formula) is quite hard to understand: (5 * skill + 50) * atk * stance * ((99rand% + 99rand%) / 2) / 10000 = max_dmg Stances are: (full def/balanced/full atk) For Atk: 0.6/1/1.2 For Def: 1.8/1/0.6 In case of calculating DEF, the "atk" in the formula is your shield def value
Let's try to do some examples, 1st example: Knight, with Giant Sword (46/22) and 80 sword fighting and balanced stance will have his max hit at: (5*80+50) * 46 * 1 * 99/10000 = 204,93 (meaning it will be 204 max rounded down)
2nd example: Knight, with Fire Axe(38atk) and 80 axe fighting + full atk stance will have his max hit at: (5*80+50)* 38 * 1.2 * 99/10000 = 203,148 (meaning it will be 203 max rounded down)
3rd example: Knight, with Mastermind shield (37 def) and 80 shielding on full def will be able to block max: (5*80+50)*37*1.8*99/10000 = 296,703 (296 always rounded down)
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: while wielding only weapon (let's say giant sword) it's def value is count from sword fighting skill, not shielding, meaning that the higher is your fighting skill in that type of weapon the better you can block with it.
IMPORTANT: The same formula works for distance weapons but bow/crossbow have 0 def meaning their max block value is always 0 so it's always better to use full atk while wielding distance weapon without shield.
let's count it for bolts with 30 atk and 80 distance: (5*80+50)*30*1.2(because of full atk)*99/10000 = 160 max hit.
You have to remember that for distance attacks the def value of a target is always omitted. Useful Excel where you can put all values by yourself and have it counted for you! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-CVa6aFY0fHW5dERDMXBX07YKpTf87lf/view?usp=sharing I hope it's written in a clear and easy to understand way, hope somebody will find it useful! Cheers and in case of any typo or missed information please pm me either on discord or in game and I will be keeping it up to date!
Armor formula is simple: (arm/2) + rand()%(arm/2) But what does it mean? Let's say for example you're using plate armor, plate legs, leather boots and steel helmet that would give you total of 24 armor, let's put it into formula, leading to: (24/2) + rand()%(24/2)
Your armor reduction will be from 12 up to 24 meaning, each hit you will block 12-24 by your armor.
One thing: rand()%12 is in range from 0 to 11, not 1 to 12. It's the remainder of dividing some random number by 12. So 24 armor points reduce 12-23 dmg, same as 25 armor points.
Probably the most important as it determines how good we can hit. Formula for attack(and def since they share the formula) is quite hard to understand: (5 * skill + 50) * atk * stance * ((99rand% + 99rand%) / 2) / 10000 = max_dmg Stances are: (full def/balanced/full atk) For Atk: 0.6/1/1.2 For Def: 1.8/1/0.6 In case of calculating DEF, the "atk" in the formula is your shield def value
Very interesting! Does this means that level has no role on How much you hit?
Just a quick question, I only need to draw blood every 30 hits if I training only sword without shield right? Does it matter in this case how many creatures are attacking me?